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About Doomborgen Morgen

We aren't fussed about how 'leet' someone thinks they are or how much they play, the majority of the guild is made up of older gamers who hang with us to enjoy there online time, with no expectations. If you live near or around Australia and you get along with us you MIGHT be perfect for Doom. We maintain a fun relaxed atmosphere in Doomborgen Morgen and welcome any like minded people to join us, we will progress to the extent of every games content as quick as possible though have fun doing it in an organised manner.. being alcoholic tolerant has its advantages also!

We are a multi genre, multi platform guild predominantly playing the MMO World of Warcraft and several other MMO and FPS games. We are looking forward to a major set-up in TSW on release and are also currently actively discussing several other upcoming titles for feasibility.

If you feel this sounds like you feel free to apply.

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